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Guangdong Dapeng Aluminum Co., Ltd. has been awarded "China quality credit enterprise" by China Quality Credit Evaluation Center for three consecutive years

Views:751 Author:Site Editor Publish Time:2019-12-18 16:10:34 Orgin:Site

Recently, Guangdong Dapeng Aluminum Co., Ltd. has been awarded "China quality credit enterprise" by China Quality and Credit Evaluation Center for three consecutive years. This is an affirmation of Dapeng aluminum industry's honest and trustworthy business philosophy, and shows Dapeng aluminum's good corporate reputation and social image.

"China's quality credit enterprises" selection is a comprehensive evaluation activity of the provincial government on enterprise credit, aiming to promote enterprise integrity and law-abiding operation. This award means that all sectors of the society fully affirm and recognize the enterprise in the aspects of honest operation, enterprise credit system construction and maintenance of contract credit, and it is also a sign of high recognition of enterprises by industry and Commerce and market supervision departments.

Dapeng Aluminum Co., Ltd. has been approved by China Quality and Credit Evaluation Center for three consecutive years and won the honorary title. This is also an important achievement obtained by the company's law-abiding operation for many years, in-depth promotion of integrity construction and adherence to integrity performance.

Since its establishment, Dapeng has always insisted on innovating technology, improving management, training talents, and actively introducing the world's top production equipment, so that the enterprise has been in the forefront of the aluminum industry.
